My 1000+ Days in Okinawan Karate Changed Everything|Heian Shodan to Godan
By Karate Dojo waKu on
From the time I made the Heian kata tutorial videos in 2020, I have grown a lot as a martial artist. It was thanks to everyone who I trained with during the last 4 years: karate, taekwondo, kenjutsu, kendo, mma, etc. But Okinawan karate styles had the most impact on how I move.
Please see this video from the perspective of how I applied the principles I learned in Okinawa to Shotokan. It might be a bit different from the typical Shotokan movement, but I hope you can enjoy it and think about why this change happened. I would love to hear your guess as well!
🥋Online Private Lesson🥋
🥋Online Group Lesson🥋
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*The information/opinion in this video is Karate Dojo waKu's own interpretation and does not represent any other organizations.
📕My Background📕
Name: Yusuke Nagano
Birthplace: Kawasaki, Japan
Belt Grade: 3 Dan
Style of Coaching: The Fusion of Simple Concept and Logical Breakdown
What I covered in this video:
karate, shotokan, karate shotokan, shotokan karate, karate sensei, karate tutorial, karate how to, karate dojo waku, yusuke nagano, sensei seth, karate nerd, jesse karate, jesse enkamp, karate japan, Japanese karate, karate kid, kumite
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